Call Technical Support at 1-800-203-5620 or click here to contact us.

Simply hover over the Shop section next to our Animal Health International logo. Continue to hover over categories to view our catalog, and the associated subcategories will populate to the right.

If you are not able to find a product on our website, please use the "Contact Us" page or call your Sales Representative. Upon logging onto the site, current customers can find their Sales Representative's contact information in the 'My Account' section of the Website.

Prices are available to account holders only. (Request an account) If you are an existing customer please register for an online account. You will be able to view pricing once you log into your account.

Yes, we sell regulated products to qualified customers in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. For product information, please contact our Sales Team at 1-800-458-4439.

At this time Animal Health International is only accepting orders online from existing customers. If you are an existing customer and would like to register, simply fill out and submit your request here. You will need to provide your Customer Number and other pertinent business/company information.

For information regarding a new Animal Health International account, placing an order or to check price and availability, please contact our Sales Team at 1-800-458-4439.

To remove an item from your cart, simply click the 'X' to the right of a line item.