Preparing for dehydration stress events ensures that pigs will receive the critical nutrients and hydration necessary. Use Swine
BlueLite® to provide additional energy, electrolytes and acidification. For over 30 years, Swine BlueLite has been proven to help
lower gut pH, to reduce problems of dehydration shrink and is an effective rehydration product for swine of any age. Swine
BlueLite® is the original acidified water-soluble electrolyte for pigs of all ages. To stabilize and improve intestinal health. To
encourage feed intake. To reduce the use of antibiotics. To help weaned pigs get off to a fast and healthy start. Includes 4
billion CFUs/g of live, naturally occurring microorganisms that stay viable in water for upto 48 hr. Palatable and acidified. Can
be administered by water proportioner or in feed. Competitive exclusion of harmful bacteria. An innovative combination of hydration
support and specialized gut microbials.