Convenient, long-lasting monthly topical for treatment of fleas, ticks
and chewing lice, and repellency of mosquitoes and stable flies.
Effectively controls existing infestations and prevents reinfestations
of fleas, ticks and chewing lice.
▪For use only on dogs 9 weeks or older to kill fleas and ticks and
prevent fleas from developing; to repel and reduce blood-feeding by
ticks, mosquitoes and stable flies; to kill chewing lice and to aid in
control of Sarcoptes mites
▪Apply the entire contents of the applicator at each treatment
▪Starts killing ticks in 1 hour, starting 2 days after treatment
▪Repels and kills ticks for an entire month, including Deer ticks, Brown
Dog ticks, American Dog ticks, and Lone Star ticks
▪Kills ticks that may transmit Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted
fever, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, canine Ehrlichiosis or cause tick
▪Starts killing fleas 5 minutes, starting 2 days after treatment