Sentry® FiproGuard® Plus for cats contains fipronil and (S)-Methoprene, an insect growth regulator (IGR), to effectively kill
fleas and ticks, including those that may transmit Lyme disease. The active ingredients in this product feature a sustained release
formula developed for fast-acting and long-lasting control of fleas, ticks and chewing lice for up to four weeks on cats only.
Kills fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks and chewing lice. Breaks the flea life cycle. Kills flea eggs and flea larvae for upto 6
weeks. Stops and prevents infestation of listed pests for 4 weeks. Kills fleas, which may be a source of flea allergy dermatitis.
Prevents flea eggs from developing into biting adults. Kills ticks including those that may transmit lyme disease. Kills brown dog
ticks, American dog ticks and lone star ticks. Rapid elimination of chewing lice infestation. Can be used on kittens 8 weeks of age
and older. Can be used on breeding, pregnant and lactating female cats. Fast acting. Long-lasting. Waterproof. For 1.5 lb and over
8 weeks cats and kittens.