PANOQUELL®-CA1 (fuzapladib sodium for injection) is the first FDA
conditionally approved treatment for the management of clinical signs
associated with acute onset of pancreatitis in dogs.
▪A fast, safe and effective treatment for the management of the
inflammation associated with acute canine pancreatitis (ACP) LFA-1
activation inhibitor
▪Inhibits the infiltration of neutrophilic inflammation within the
▪Given once daily for 3 consecutive days by IV bolus injection
▪Proven to quickly reduce clinical signs and measurable values such as
canine pancreas-specific lipase (Spec cpL) and C-reactive protein (CRP)
associated with ACP
▪With the multi-use vial, there is the ability to treat multiple
patients and there is a reduction in waste
▪Can be given in conjunction with other supportive care treatments
▪For intravenous use in dogs only
▪Can reduce time and stress often seen in the hospital setting with ACP