The use of tonometry to measure Intra Ocular Pressure (IOP) is the only real tool for the screening of glaucoma in veterinary
patients. IOP measurements are accomplished by using instruments called tonometers which measure IOP from the outside surface of
the cornea. Traditional tonometers like the Tonopen Vet measure by the “applanation” method. The instrument is repeatedly pushed
against the cornea manually. The amount of force necessary to flatten the cornea is calibrated and an electronic read out is made
in mm of Hg. The TonoVet utilizes a newer technology called INrebound IN tonometry. The portable hand held unit is about 1/4 IN
away from the cornea. At the push of a button, a tiny probe painlessly and rapidly reaches out and touches the cornea. Six rapid
measurements are taken within seconds. Most of the time the animal will not even react and certainly no local anesthesia is
required. An audible beep tells of a successful result, which is displayed digitally.