Both strains in Micro-Cell® FS gold are exclusively licensed to Lallemand Animal Nutrition and were brought to market based on the
positive benefits to animal agriculture practices. L. Acidophilus BT-1386 promotes and maintains a normal intestinal environment
that helps reduce the ability of pathogenic bacteria to develop, which contributes to performance, feed efficiency and food safety.
L. Buchneri 40788 produces lactic and acetic acids and other fermentation products that fuel rumen bacterial acid production. The
resulting acids are absorbed from the rumen and converted into a form of energy that is available for maintenance or weight gain
resulting in improved performance. The strain L. acidophilus BT-1386 has been shown to help lower E. coli 0457:H7 and Salmonella
found in the lower gut and has been listed on the pre-harvest production best practices document by the Beef Industry Food Safety
Council (BIFSCo). For cattle.