The Springer Magrath Fluidfeeder provides a practical, easy-to-use tool for providing fluids and nourishment to calves that can
not or will not nurse. The 24in flexible esophageal probe is the correct size for calves, and if used properly, the probes size and
shape do not allow it to be inserted into the trachea, reducing the danger of getting fluid into lungs and drowning the calf. The
easy-to-handle 2-quart tube makes using the Fluidfeeder a simple, one-person operation. When used properly, the rate of flow is
slow enough to cause the calf to form saliva freely, which is necessary for proper digestion. Durable plastic probe resists burs
that can cut the throat and cause infection; heavy-duty tube resists punctures and tears and remains flexible down to 0 degree F.
(-18 degrees C.). Bottle collapses without venting, and check valve keeps air out as liquid leaves the bottle. Bottle, tube, and
probe are easy to clean. 2 Quart. Each.