Synovex® Primer™ enhances weight gain in growing beef steers and heifers
within dry lot systems. This low-dose implant combines 50 mg of
trenbolone acetate (TBA) and 7 mg of estradiol benzoate, administered
via subcutaneous implantation in the ear's middle one-third. Ideal for
enhancing feed efficiency, it facilitates faster weight gain, optimizing
throughput before transitioning cattle to pasture or feedlot
▪Promotes Weight Gain: Helps calves gain weight efficiently
▪Improves Feed Efficiency: Enhances the feed conversion rate
▪Supports Healthy Growth: Formulated to support overall health and
▪Easy Administration: Simple to use with detailed instructions for
subcutaneous implantation
▪Compatible with Exact 10® and The Revolver applicators